Thermostats with geofencing technology are among the newest, easiest, and most effective ways to save money on your energy bill. There are a number of options when choosing a thermostat. Many homeowners enjoy the features smart thermostats offer including geofencing. To learn more about whether a smart thermostat is worth it for you, read our blog here.
What is geofencing technology?
Smart thermostats can be controlled with any internet-connected device. They allow you to schedule your desired temperature settings and can be incorporated into home automation systems as well. Many smart thermostats “learn” your heating and cooling preferences and automatically make adjustments based on this information. Geofencing technology creates a “fence” around your home. When you are away, the thermostat will automatically adjust gradually to heat or cool the temperature using your phone’s GPS feature so that you are not wasting money cooling or heating an empty house. Many smart thermostats allow you to connect multiple smart devices if you would like geofencing to sync with everyone who lives in your house. Once the thermostat detects that you are close to the home, it sets back to the temperature you had prior to leaving.
Is a thermostat with geofencing technology right for me?
The main benefit of using geofencing with a smart thermostat is that it removes the need to schedule. If you do not have a set schedule, the geofencing feature allows you to be more efficient with your energy usage without needing to remember to manually adjust your thermostat. If you have a fairly set schedule then the geofencing feature is not as important. Additionally, those who prefer to keep the GPS setting off on their smartphones will not benefit from this feature. However, smart thermostats can provide many other handy features, so you may still want to consider learning more about them. If not, we’d recommend looking into smart thermostats as the next best option. For more information on the optimal temperature for your home and setting your thermostat of choice, check out our recent blog post.
Thermostats with geofencing technology can take the need of programming your schedule into a thermostat. They also adjust gradually, which is gentler on your system and decreases the likelihood of repairs and increases the efficiency of your HVAC system. It is important to consult with a professional to ensure the thermostat you chose is compatible with your particular heating and cooling system. If you are interested in using geofencing technology in your home, reach out to us so we can find a thermostat model that suits your needs.
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