Do You Have A Heating or Cooling Project We Can Help With?
Heat Pumps have become very popular with Massachusetts homeowners in recent years — for good reason. These systems are extremely energy-efficient,
convenient, and versatile. They are powered by electricity and do not burn fossil fuels, like boilers and furnaces do — making them environmentally friendly and affordable to operate.
Best of all, heat pumps are eligible for jaw-dropping rebates from Mass Save — the agency tasked with enticing Massachusetts homeowners to switch to energy- saving heating and cooling systems. Incentives could add up to $16,000 — and even more for income-eligible households.
As a part of the Mass Save® Heat Pump Installer Network, we can provide access to rebates up to $16,000 on air source heat pumps and up to $25,000 on ground source heat pumps. 0% financing opportunities are also available on qualifying improvements.
The most common heat pump for homes is a ducted air-source system. In the winter, they pull outside air, circulating refrigerant between the outdoor compressor and the indoor air unit to heat that air, then distribute it inside. This process is reversed during warmer month, sending unwanted heat outside your home, leaving the cool air inside.
There are two broad categories of air-source heat pumps. A “whole home” system sends comfortable air throughout your home via ductwork and registers. Other than the outdoor condensing unit, you never notice it’s there!
For homes without ductwork, heat pumps are also available in a ductless version — known in our business as “mini-split heat pumps.” These units are capable of being networked together to heat and cool entire houses or condominiums, but also one or two units can be installed to target only parts of a home — such as to cool or heat a sunroom, furnished attic, workshop or garage.
Which is best for your family and home? That’s where our experts come in. They’ll take the time to discuss with the pros and cons of each system, answer all your questions and provide a competitive quotation. Many of our customers receives big rebates on new heat pump systems…you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised!
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Do you need a quote for a new heating system? Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we are able.