What Does BTU Mean for AC?

2024-02-19T17:09:30+00:00May 14th, 2021|Air Conditioning|

The HVAC industry uses a lot of acronyms.  Depending on your familiarity with the terminology, these acronyms might make it challenging to understand your energy bill. Whether you’ve come across the abbreviation “BTU” on your appliance or on your energy bill, or are simply curious about learning more, you are in luck! Today we are

What to know about R-22 Refrigerant in Massachusetts

2024-02-19T16:38:40+00:00March 10th, 2020|Air Conditioning|

If you rely on an air conditioning unit that uses R-22 refrigerant, an ozone-depleting substance (ODS), you should know that as of January 1, 2020, production and import of R-22 refrigerant is illegal in the United States. While continuing use of your air conditioner or heat pump system using R-22 refrigerant is allowed, it does

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